How to Successfully Hold Board Meetings

Board meetings are important because the decisions taken by your board, which usually require the majority or even unanimity agreement, can be a significant influence on the business. This means you’ll have lots of constraints to consider but they aren’t as hard as you think.

In general any successful board meeting will require a lot of planning and planning prior to the meeting. If your board members don’t feel prepared, they might be unable to hold meaningful discussions at the meeting. This could lead to your decision-making process being slowed down or even derailled. Distribute your board packets at least a few days before the meeting to make sure you don’t get this.

Your board chair will go over the ground rules at beginning of the meeting. This should be discussed with attendees (e.g. how long a discussion can last, or how to make a decision). This helps everyone be aware of the rules and creates a positive and productive atmosphere.

The next part of the meeting typically includes reports being presented. These could include financial statements, progress reports or any other pertinent information. The chair of the board will invite each member to be present, ensuring that a quorum is present.

In this phase the board can discuss and review the minutes of the board’s previous meeting. When they are completed and approved, they will be reviewed by the entire board. Afterward any announcements or updates that are relevant to the meeting at hand can be shared. The chairman can call the meeting or call it off.

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