Trump Says He’s ‘Never Had a Glass of Alcohol ‘ These People Say Otherwise.

Any contribution exceeding the legal amount that may be contributed toany committee will be distributed to the remaining participatingcommittee to the extent permitted by federal law and according to theallocation method set forth above. Any contribution that would cause acontributor to exceed any applicable federal contribution limit orotherwise not be permissible under FECA and FEC regulations will berefunded to the contributor. Contributors may specify a differentallocation than the one set forth above. Long viewed as a Trump ally, Schwarzman had said in 2022 he would not back the former president, saying it was time for the Republican Party to turn to a new generation of leaders. Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman confirmed Friday he will support Donald Trump in his White House rematch with President Biden.

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Spirits may be low around the country, but don’t expect them to be raised in the White House after the election; neither President Trump nor Joseph R. Biden Jr. partakes in alcohol. Donald Trump often claims that he does not now nor has he ever imbibed alcohol, explaining that he wanted to avoid the fate of his alcoholic older brother Freddy, an airline pilot who died at 43 in 1981. It has always seemed unlikely that Trump, who has regaled other writers with raunchy tales of partying in the 1970s at Studio 54, never tried an intoxicant. He wants consumers of the Trump brand and would-be lenders to believe he always keeps it together. Trump said at one point that he was going to give all the money from Celebrity Apprentice to charity. He said he was going to give the money from Crippled America, his last book, to charity…

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  • He could donate his salary like past presidents or he could give his salary back to the U.S.
  • Demonstrating President Trump’s success as a champion of American freedom and innovation, we proudly offer you a chance to contribute to the campaign with cryptocurrency.
  • “We’re going to establish a seven-month intensive training program called ‘Emerging Leaders,'” McMahon said at the briefing.
  • Crypto donations will be reported as in-kind contributions, much like gifts of stock.
  • Regardless, charities aren’t allowed to make political donations.

Eric Trump said he thought his father had just given it to a random child which is also not allowed by the IRS. Even including the $1 million Trump donated to veterans earlier this year (after prodding from Fahrenthold), the public records indicate that, over the past quarter of a century, he has given away less than $5 million of his own money. According to his own estimate, he is worth in excess of $10 billion.

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By law, he must be paid so Trump has donated the quarterly payments to various federal departments and agencies. The departments of Education, Health and Human Services, Transportation and Veterans Affairs, among others, have accepted Trump’s donations. The departments of Education, Health and Human Services, Transportation and Veterans Affairs, among others, have accepted Trump’s donations.

  • Statements made to the press by the first lady’s communications director, Stephanie Grisham (who did not respond to our request for an updated list), indicated Melania Trump’s staff numbered nine employees as of October 2017.
  • Trump’s pledge is similar to the precedent set by John F. Kennedy and Herbert Hoover, who donated their presidential salaries to charitable causes.
  • He wants consumers of the Trump brand and would-be lenders to believe he always keeps it together.

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President Trump has so far donated his whole presidential salary to various agencies, and Michelle Obama’s White House staff numbered about 23 in the latter part of her husband’s administration. The Trump campaign announced Tuesday it will start accepting cryptocurrency donations, casting the move as one of solidarity with opponents of “socialistic government control” over the U.S. financial markets. In April, 2011, when he was again thinking about running for President, the Smoking Gun took another gander at the I.R.S. returns from the Trump Foundation. This time, the Web site examined the entire period from 1990 to 2009. For the period from 1990 to 2009, his annual donations to his foundation averaged $185,000 a year. The money, which came from Trump’s third quarter salary in 2018, will assist the NIAAA with its mission to conduct research on alcoholism and alcohol-related problems.

Despite those promises, many in the crowd remained antagonistic. Hours before the Trump campaign started catering to crypto donors, Biden’s team sent a fundraising text warning supporters that “cryptocurrency executives and oil barons are coming out of the woodwork for Trump.” There, Trump told crypto supporters that they “better vote” for him, because the Biden administration is “against” crypto, Politico reported. “MAGA supporters, now with a new cryptocurrency option, will build a crypto army moving the campaign to victory on November 5th!” the campaign said. But the recipients of that money have helped Trump in his bid for the Presidency.

  • But while the president does donate his salary to different government initiatives each quarter, no donation to date has been specifically made to repair military cemeteries.
  • They were part of a wave of GOP supporters of the president who attended the Manhattan courthouse in the past week.
  • Tuesday’s announcement from the Trump campaign billed Trump as the “first major party nominee” to embrace crypto donations.

Trump and the Truth: His Charitable Giving

Trump spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Trump’s latest donation of his quarterly salary in a briefing with reporters May 17. Trump has donated his quarterly salary since taking office. Other recipients include the National Park Service, the U.S. Education Department, the Transportation Department, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. The White House press office did not get back to us on where Trump will donate his third and fourth quarter salary for 2018.

donald trump donates alcoholism

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Trump’s pledge is similar to the precedent set by John F. Kennedy and Herbert Hoover, who donated their presidential salaries to charitable causes. “I am thrilled at the President’s decision to donate the check he did today,” Zinke said. He said the agency will use it to support “the infrastructure on our nation’s battlefields. We’re about $100 (million) or $229 million behind in deferred maintenance on our battlefields alone, and that’s on our 25 national battlefields. And we’re excited about that opportunity.” Sober House “The President has spoken with counsel and made the decision to donate his first-quarter salary, in total, to a government entity, and he has chosen this quarter to donate it to the National Park Service,” Spicer said. President Donald Trump has found a recipient for his presidential salary — at least the portion he earned between January 20 and March 31, 2017. At a White House press briefing, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders presented a check for $100,000 to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

The first $100,000 went to the National Park Service, and since then, he has donated to various federal departments. Trump pledged as a candidate in 2016 to not accept the $400,000 annual presidential salary he would be due if elected. At the end of August, Fahrenthold reported that the Trump Foundation had violated tax laws in 2013 by making a $25,000 political donation to Pam Bondi, the attorney general of Florida. At the time the donation was made, Bondi had been considering whether to launch an investigation of the scandal-plagued Trump University.

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